[Unfortunately due to a bug that slipped by in testing we never announced this build publicly, so this is merely for the record] Hello folks, Sage 3.2.2 was released on December 30th, 2008. It is available at http://www.sagemath.org/download.html * About Sage (http://www.sagemath.org) Sage is developed by volunteers and combines 83 open source packages. It is available for download from www.sagemath.org and its mirrors in source or binary form. If you have any questions and/or problems, please report them to the Google groups sage-devel or sage-support. You can also drop by in #sage-devel or #sage-support in freenode. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The following 41 people contributed to this release: * Michael Abshoff * Martin Albrecht * Nick Alexander * Sebastien Barthelemy [first contribution] * Arnaud Bergeron * Robert Bradshaw * Paul Butler [first contribution] * Timothy Clemans * Craig Citro * John Cremona * Karl-Dieter Crisman * Dan Drake * Burcin Erocal * Lars Fischer * Gary Furnish * Alex Ghitza * Amy Glen [first contribution] * Jason Grout * Marshall Hampton * Mike Hansen * David Harvey * Wilfried Huss * David Joyner * Josh Kantor * Kiran Kedlaya * Sebastien Labbe * Tim Lahey * David Loeffler * Robert Miller * John Palmieri * Ronan Paixao [first contribution] * Clement Pernet * R. Rishikesh * Sourav San Gupta * Harald Schilly * Franco Saliola * Jaap Spies * William Stein * Nicolas Thiery * Minh Van Nguyen * Paul Zimmermann Cheers, Michael Abshoff (release chair), William Stein * Major Features, New Spkgs and Bugfixes See the Sage 3.2.2 Release Tour at http://wiki.sagemath.org/sage-3.2.2 * Known Issues with 3.2.2: * RHEL 5 clisp build issue: the latest clisp.spkg does not build so please use the clisp.spkg from Sage 3.0.3. * Bug Statistics We closed 105 tickets. For details see http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/milestone/sage-3.2.2 or check out the closed ticket section at the end of the announcement. * Upcoming Releases The next release will be 3.2.3, chaired by Michael Abshoff. It will be a release focusing on merging existing patches from trac in preparation for the big docstring Sphinx conversion planned for Sage 3.3. The release cycle will be on the short side, i.e. about 7 days are planned. * Doctesting Coverage For 3.2.1 we had: Overall weighted coverage score: 63.3% Total number of functions: 21617 We increased coverage by 0.9% in 3.2.2 while adding 417 functions: Overall weighted coverage score: 64.2% Total number of functions: 22034 * Closed Tickets: Merged in Sage 3.2.2.rc2: #4823: Robert Bradshaw: better fix for determinant bug with speed regression fix [Reviewed by Clement Pernet] #4828: Michael Abshoff: Sage 3.2.2.rc2: Fix documentation build issues [Reviewed by Dan Drake] Merged in Sage 3.2.2.rc1: #4237: William Stein: magma -- finite field matrix conversions [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] #4639: Robert Bradshaw: bad memory leak with exponentiation [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] #4653: Franco Saliola, Arnaud Bergeron, Amy Glen, Sebastien Labbe: Merge sage-words code into Sage [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #4778: Ronan Paixao: Creates Scilab pexpect interface [Reviewed by Jaap Spies, Michael Abshoff] #4803: Sebastien Barthelemy: improvements to the polyhedra module documentation [Reviewed by Marshall Hampton] #4811: Gary Furnish: Sage 3.2.2.a2: doctesting line numbers in report are now wrong [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] #4816: John Cremona: fix numerical noise issue in ell_rational_field.py [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] #4819: Robert Bradshaw: update Cython to 0.10.3 [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] Merged in Sage 3.2.2.rc0: #3677: Gary Furnish: sage -tp does not take into account the current directory [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] #4276: Robert Bradshaw: move number fields to new coercion, implement embeddings [Reviewed by Nick Alexander] #4741: John Cremona, Michael Mardaus, Tobias Nagel: Implement S-integral point finding for elliptic curves over Q [Reviewed by William Stein] #4747: William Stein: add custom hash function for cusps [Reviewed by John Cremona, Craig Citro] #4783: William Stein: email -- create an "email" command, so users can easily notify themselves when their sage programs have completed some task [Reviewed by Timothy Clemans] #4784: John Palmieri: trivial ref manual fix for 3.2.2.alpha2 [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] #4785: Michael Abshoff: Failure of tests in sage/schemes/elliptic_curves/ell_generic.py due to non installed magma [Reviewed by Jaap Spies] #4787: Gary Furnish: Race condition in sage-doctest folder creation [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] #4788: Gary Furnish: Dsage doctest fixes [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] #4791: Michael Abshoff: purge nodoctest.py from the Sage library tree [Reviewed by Craig Citro] #4792: Mike Hansen: Sage 3.2.1 + interactive gdb or valgrind are broken [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] #4796: Craig Citro: Remove bugs.py in sage/modular/modform [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] #4798: Robert Bradshaw: Update Cython to 0.10.2.p0 [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] #4799: Nicolas Thiery, Mike Hansen: Add mapped CombinatorialClasses [Reviewed by Mike Hansen, Nicolas Thiery] #4800: Nicolas Thiery: Add a strongly connected components method to graphs [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #4801: Nicolas Thiery: Add a flag when starting MuPAD so that it can tell when it's being run from Sage [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #4802: Nicolas Thiery: Add an on the fly ranker to Sage [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] Merged in Sage 3.2.2.alpha2: #2796: Paul Zimmermann: Integer digits/ndigit disagree on default base [Reviewed by Alex Ghitza, Robert Bradshaw] #3643: Gary Furnish: re-enable dsage/testdoc.py [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] #3746: Gary Furnish: segfault in dist_factor.py [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] #4143: John Palmieri: injvar() docstring should be the same as inject_variables() [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw] #4680: Craig Citro: matplotlib configuration finds system-wide files on OSX [Reviewed by William Stein, Michael Abshoff] #4695: Nick Alexander: add support for pari's rnfidealdown [Reviewed by William Stein] #4699: Gary Furnish: Rewrite -tp to use pyprocessing [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] #4707: William Stein: magma/sage interface -- another trivial easy-to-fix failure hopefully [Reviewed by Nick Alexander] #4711: Gary Furnish: fix ptest race condition: "file not found" [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] #4722: William Stein: BUG - number field K.hilbert_class_polynomial() is a *lie* [Reviewed by Alex Ghitza] #4730: William Stein: magma/sage -- conversion of finite field elements back and forth [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] #4744: Robert Bradshaw: congruence number for elliptic curves [Reviewed by William Stein] #4745: Gary Furnish: Dsage performance is poor [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #4751: William Stein: if spkg/standard contains an extracted directory then "sage -upgrade" fails in multiple ways [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] #4758: Mike Hansen: eigenvalues of matrices over CDF is embarassingly frickin' slow! (at least 100 times too slow!) [Reviewed by Jason Grout] #4760: Gary Furnish: dsage_interface doctests broken [Reviewed by Mike Hansen, Michael Abshoff] #4763: John Palmieri, David Loeffler: fixes to build reference manual in 3.2.2.alpha1 [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] #4765: Michael Abshoff: Sage 3.2.2.alpha1: numerical noise in sage/rings/number_field/number_field_morphisms.pyx on OSX 10.4/G5 [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #4767: William Stein: magma/sage interface -- speed up conversion of integers and rationals to Magma [Reviewed by Martin Albrecht] #4768: William Stein: magma -- speed up conversion of integer and rational matrices from sage to magma by an order of magnitude [Reviewed by Martin Albrecht, Michael Abshoff] #4769: Minh Van Nguyen, Michael Abshoff: add 5 people to devmap; update info for 2 people [Reviewed by Harald Schilly] #4771: Timothy Clemans: notebook -- get rid of these debug log messages I put in: "Dumping ..." [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] #4772: William Stein: make determinants of matrices over GF(2) way faster [Reviewed by Jason Grout] #4773: Alex Ghitza: determinants of non-square matrices over GF(p) (p odd) should raise an error -- instead they silently give nonsense [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] #4777: William Stein: Sage is_prime_power is seriously buggy, because pari's ispower is BROKEN [Reviewed by Craig Citro] Merged in Sage 3.2.2.alpha1: #2030: Mike Hansen: hg_[doc|extcode|scripts] docstring is wrong about the repo [Reviewed by William Stein] #2637: Lars Fischer: Patch so that a user can choose encodings in sage scripts [Reviewed by Martin Albrecht, Michael Abshoff] #3810: Nick Alexander: make abelian group list/iter and classgroup list/iter more modern [Reviewed by John Cremona] #4061: John Cremona: coercion from torsion subgroup of elliptic curve to elliptic curve is broken [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw] #4206: Jason Grout: convert RDF and CDF vectors to use numpy [Reviewed by William Stein, Josh Kantor, Michael Abshoff] #4282: Robert Bradshaw: symbolic minpoly [Reviewed by William Stein, Nick Alexander] #4360: Burcin Erocal: fraction field improvements [Reviewed by William Stein, Robert Bradshaw] #4477: Sourav San Gupta: Allow exp() function for PowerSeriesRing element to compute with valid non-zero constant term [Reviewed by David Harvey] #4491: Jason Grout: finance.TimeSeries from numpy array doesn't work correctly [Reviewed by William Stein, Josh Kantor, Michael Abshoff] #4493: Jason Grout: derivative of a vector and a matrix [Reviewed by William Stein] #4681: David Loeffler: General Smith normal form implementation [Reviewed by William Stein, Nick Alexander] #4669: Jason Grout: CDF matrices need complex doctests (see matrix/matrix_complex_double_dense.pyx) [Reviewed by William Stein] #4698: Burcin Erocal: a single make_element function for pickling is hard to maintain [Reviewed by William Stein] #4701: William Stein: magma/sage interface -- coercion for single variable polynomials broken in some cases [Reviewed by Nick Alexander] #4703: David Joyner: inst.tex addition of Sage+tcl/tk [Reviewed by William Stein] #4709: William Stein: sage/magma hyperelliptic curve conversion [Reviewed by Nick Alexander] #4713: Jason Grout: make an apply_map function for vectors [Reviewed by William Stein] #4715: John Cremona: Two small bugs in KodairaSymbol [Reviewed by William Stein] #4717: Wilfried Huss: matrix_plot should also accept numpy arrays [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #4719: Gary Furnish: Doctests report mysterious errors instead of ordinary failures [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] #4720: John Palmieri: Numerical noise in test sage/rings/number_field/number_field_morphisms.pyx [Reviewed by Nick Alexander] #4729: William Stein: fix gnuplot execution issue [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] #4736: Gary Furnish: The doctesting doesn't always report segfaults properly [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] #4737: Mike Hansen: upgrade to Sphinx 0.5 [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] #4743: William Stein: change genus2reduction to include GPL copyright file and email from liu making the program GPL'd [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] Merged in Sage 3.2.2.alpha0: #717: Gary Furnish: sage -t timeout stuff works poorly [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] #2163: Mike Hansen: .show?? pops up the graphics item as well as the help page [Reviewed by Jason Grout] #3134: Mike Hansen: binomial doesn't take big integers [Reviewed by Robert Miller] #3623: Robert Bradshaw: Factory and pickling framework (part of coercion branch) [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] #3950: Timothy Clemans, Mike Hansen: notebook -- template(s) for generating worksheet listings [Reviewed by Mike Hansen, Timothy Clemans] #4089: Timothy Clemans: notebook -- no active worksheets should show up on "archived" tab [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #4246: Alex Ghitza: bug in coercing symbolic expressions to polynomial rings [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #4496: Karl-Dieter Crisman: Plot doesn't allow variable outside tuple after lambda [Reviewed by David Joyner] #4581: Mike Hansen: Permutation constructor fails with PermutationGroupElement [Reviewed by Franco Saliola] #4610: Gary Furnish: "sage -tp X": Move certain long doctests to the start of the list of files to test [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] #4672: Mike Hansen: plot functions do not work with ?? because they are wrapped in @options [Reviewed by Jason Grout, William Stein] #4679: Tim Lahey: Spelling errors in documentation for sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_element [Reviewed by Timothy Clemans] #4682: Minh Van Nguyen, Michael Abshoff: Add the first set of 12 people missing from the DevMap for Sage 3.0.6-3.2.1 [Reviewed by Harald Schilly] #4684: Dan Drake: should be easier to change how many threads used for "make ptest" and friends [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] #4685: Harald Schilly: Add "South America", "Asia" and "Australia" links to the DevMap [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] #4686: David Loeffler: Documentation for eta products [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] #4687: John Cremona: Points on Elliptic Curve over GF(2) [Reviewed by R. Rishikesh] #4690: Paul Butler: Sage hangs on derivative of piecewise function [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #4691: Dan Drake: Minor docstring change for timeout on notebook [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff] #4693: Mike Hansen: cleanup work in sage/functions/piecewise.py [Reviewed by David Joyner] #4702: William Stein: improve magma interface coverage [Reviewed by Nick Alexander] #4708: Gary Furnish: sage -tp doesn't test absolute file names nor does it ignore non-existent files [Reviewed by Nick Alexander]